Colin Mitchell
Essex, UK
Colin's Interests
My main interest & passion is my family, I live and work in Essex United Kingdom, my hobbies are tv and film, sports are table tennis, walking generally being outdoors.
I am a dog lover actually having six of my own.

  • Colin's Blog

  • Hi to everyone on this great platform, hope your day is going well and you are finding some success in your business.

    This is what I would do if I was just getting started, I would start using a great FREE software that would help me to promote and build my list.

    When I started I decided to build a list of people who might be interested in making more money online, as research had showed me that this was a good niche to get into.

    I initially made the costly mistake of paying out for expensive programmes, that had lead capture pages already designed for me, the system was good, but I was paying £29.00 per month,

    I later discovered that I could get all of the tools I needed for
    You see all you need is a list and a means to market to that list.

    These tools can be be used for FREE and I still use these FREE tools TODAY! in my marketing, please check out the link below and start making good use of this FREE SOFTWARE.

    Hope this helps!

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