Colin Mitchell
Essex, UK
Colin's Interests
My main interest & passion is my family, I live and work in Essex United Kingdom, my hobbies are tv and film, sports are table tennis, walking generally being outdoors.
I am a dog lover actually having six of my own.

  • Colin's Blog

  • Hi to everyone on this great platform, I hope you are finding some success within your business, this post might be of help if you are struggling to get eyes on your business or if you need help in managing your list of contacts.
    For me when I first started I was lead to believe that it was simple to make money online, and that money would be paid daily into my account, this was not the case for be at that time.
    I tried for for some time to succeed until fortunately I met someone who was high up an doing well within my company. This person explained to me that I needed to have a system in place to help my business grow.
    I had earlier explained to him that I was using dropped cards and various other ways to generate leads for my business, but was struggling to keep in contact and follow up with these prospects, mainly due to other immediate work commitments.
    My upline said that this problem was common in team building and that I again should find a way of first capturing a prospects details and then have a system in place that would help me to follow up with my business opportunity.
    I now believe I have an edge over most people who are blindly sending traffic to there companies recruitment page.
    I now use a FREE software that allows me to capture a prospects details and then that automatically promotes my primary business.
    If you not already capturing these details, you are missing out on the opportunity to market your business, or any other business or opportunity you may find in the future.
    Hope this helps, below is a link to a FREE software that I use daily to build my active prospect list. Thanks for reading my post.

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