Colin Mitchell
Essex, UK
Colin's Interests
My main interest & passion is my family, I live and work in Essex United Kingdom, my hobbies are tv and film, sports are table tennis, walking generally being outdoors.
I am a dog lover actually having six of my own.

  • Colin's Blog

  • Hi to everyone on this great FREE platform, hope your day is going well and you are finding some success in your business.

    This post might be of help if you need some inspiration, or if you are finding it difficult at the moment to find the motivation to keep going.

    I know when I first started I struggled, I would often visit my members area, only to see that I had no new members.

    My sponsor taught be a valuable lesson, he said stop focusing on results, and focus only on your daily activity.

    I now only do this, everyday I follow a routine, everyday I follow a set plan of actions which I know if followed will bring me in new members.

    If you create your own daily list of actions, and implement them, you will overtime see results.

    Don't expect to much to happen to soon, remind yourself that you have time to let your residual income grow, my sponsor also told me its a marathon not a sprint, and to give yourself time.

    I hope you found this post to be of help, and wish you all the success in your online endeavours.

    If you are looking for a great FREE home-based-business, I would very much like to send you some information, be sure to check out my link.

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